CCTSA Conference Workshop
June 27, 2025. Halifax Marriott Harbour front Hotel

This is a two part workshop entitled "Ritual and Witness In Catholic Schools"
The first of this two-part workshop looks at the nature and significance of Catholic ritual and sacraments - prayer, passing the peace, Eucharist. These are the elements that bind Catholics, whether students, teachers, trustees, or board members. These elements form and shape us in a radical way. Catholics can often forget what is really happening in these moments, but they are times in which we accept the Holy Spirit, conforming us in a very radical way to Christ.The second part of this two-part workshop looks at "the secular" and explores the ambient space in which Catholic schools exist. Rather than a neutral space, the secular is best understood as itself a religion, with beliefs, assumptions, commitments, and even faith in unseen things. There are positives and negatives to being Catholic within such a society. The negatives are that many of the assumptions and commitments within secular society are explicitly opposed to Catholicism. The positive aspect is that, within secular society, Catholics are free to offer their perspective and speak to others. The practices of Catholic schools, detailed in the first workshop, shape us for radical witness within this broader secular society. This witness will sometimes be applauded, as we are called through the faith to seek justice and peace for all, but it will also require a faithful witness that costs us within the broader society. This is something the Eucharist calls us to, not least those of us who serve as trustees and board members.
For more information see https://ccsta.ca/2024-agm-convention/#:~:text=Time%20to%20Mark%20Your%20Calendars,for%20an%20unforgettable%20Maritime%20experience!